هاربون من العدالة #٢

تكملة لمسيرة تطهير مصر من المجرمين

أضع بين أيديكم صور لحدث بعينه و هو اعتقال الصحفي محمد عبد القدوس

من استطاع أن يقدم أية معلومات عن المشاركين في سحله و الاعتداء عليه فليفعل مشكورا

بعض الصور مكررة

هاربين من العدالة

لم يحاول هؤلاء المجرمين أن يخفوا وجوههم لحظة ارتكاب جرائم الاعتداء على المواطنين بالضرب معتقدين أن هناك من سيحميهم من الملاحقة القضائية و أن نظام الاستبداد سيدوم

لذا نناشد الشرفاء التعاون معنا في تحديد هوية هؤلاء لتقديم دعاوى قضائية ضدهم

نبدأ بحالة من أمام نقابة الصحافيين

يظهر في الصورة وجه واحد يمكن التعرف عليه

المتهم رقم ١

المتهم الأول

و في نفس السياق، التقطت صورة أخرى تظهر غيره

المتهم رقم ٢

المتهم الثاني

المتهم رقم ٣

المتهم الثالث

المتهم رقم ٤

المتهم الرابع


Back to sleep

Almost 100 days since the end of the last Holocaust. thousands of keyboards were raging across the globe condemning the atrocities committed by the IDF brutal men in Gaza.
we were hoping to sue those responsible, make them pay for their deeds.
But it seems life is never fair. especially if you were an Arab.
Why did we stop talking? is it lack of hope? or did we forget?
I understand we are all busy and have a lot in our plates. but there are responsibilities we must take care of. including the clarification of the details of the Gaza Holocaust.
Please, whomever did participate in this during January 2009, please come back again and do something. your words might relief someone at least for a second.

Fadel Shana’a a witnessed Death

I wonder what went into Fadel’s mind early morning before his murder?

Fadel, 23 years old the day he was killed, was known to be a gentle person, popular among his coworkers in Reuters where he worked for 3 years.

Around 5 PM, Fadel stepped outside his vehicle to take the last footage in his life. A Flechette Shell (pointed steel projectile, with a vaned tail for stable flight), fired by an IDF tank dug a few meters away from him, aimed precisely to complete the mission to terminate the most dangerous of their enimy, an Arab Journalist, capable of exposing their genocides.

As usual, IDF first comment is to deny the fact (was it Hamas using that tank or something?) then later on to mention that they are sorry for such incident but journalists were putting their lives at risk in areas of combat (does anyone count the times they repeat the same statment?).

Later on, an Israeli military spokeswoman, Major Avital Leibovich, said there had been clashes there throughout the day after the three Israeli troops had been killed overnight in the same area (Again, a typical off shelf comment).

Reuters comments in their article that “The Reuters vehicle was an unarmored sport utility vehicle bearing “TV” and “Press” markings.”

And as usual, an investigation was promised but nothing happened so far.


Craig Murray’s Speech in London

I have been looking for this clip over YouTube for quite some time after watching the great compilation about Gaza conflict, until finally I learned that the name of this person to be Craig Murray, a British politician and a former ambassador at Uzbekistan.

This speech took place on Saturday 10/01/2009 in London.

He gave in 11 important arguments in his speech

  1. This operation is a shame on the whole mankind since this is a crime against civilians
  2. He is ashamed of his former colleagues who are delaying the diplomatic process leading to a cease fire which is blackmailing the Palestinians
  3. He does not accept the existence of the state of Israel similar to his denial of the existence of the Apartheid of South Africa
  4. Israel is based on ethnic cleansing
  5. Israel is based on racism
  6. We see news of Sderot village everyday in the news and how people living in it are living on fear of being under attack, and never mentioned once that this village is originally a Palestinian village and it was stolen from the Arabs who were pushed out of it
  7. We stand together with the people of Palestine
  8. We stand for a Palestine which is one country not tiny home lands.
  9. We stand against racism
  10. Zionism is B.S
  11. 3000 years ago his Celtic ancistors were living in Switzerland and he can not claim Switzerland. So Zionism is none sense.

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Alexi Sayle, be proud of who you are

Alexi Sayle, never be ashamed, you are a righteous man and be proud of yourself.

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What happened in London Saturday 3 January 2009

Biancca Jagger

John Rees

Brian Eno

Sarah Teather

Thousands of Israelis protest against the war in Gaza

This was was so cruel, that no real human could overlook. I believe that there are true humans in every nation, and Israel itself the nation of the offense, had those who could not be convinced that killing children is something right, because they have pure hearts. They decided to protest against this war and they were accused to be traitors because of their opinion, they are among the righteous people in this world.
I would like to thank them, but I don’t know how.

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Terrorist Arab explaining what is terrorism

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That’s the 10 years old joke, Israel claims those who defend themselves are terrorists and those who stole the land to be peacful people
what a world

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